Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Description Of A Man s Voice - 1846 Words

We sat on a cheap wooden bench in the security room in the back of Lord and Taylor, our bags lay on their sides, the contents spilled across the concrete floor. Little white tags hung from the fabric, a few seams were noticeably ripped along the side ribbing of the clothing. Computer screens encompassed the room, the surveillance footage rotated intermittently from Camera 1 to Camera 2 to Dressing Room Camera. The man’s voice was barely audible through the wall behind me, as he called my parents and the authorities. He came back into the room with the woman who had grabbed my arm as I exited the department store, announcing that the price for all of the products I had stolen totaled to approximately $1,300 – though he hadn’t calculated in the damages of the torn clothing where the security buttons were ripped out. My best friend, better known as my fellow thief, called her mom to retrieve us. I used the thick silence of that car ride to prepare something mitigati ng to say to my mother. When I delicately, respectfully, quietly entered the foyer, my mom sat waiting, drilling me with questions. As I entered the foyer, my mom, who had been undoubtedly stewing in her own thoughts as she awaited my arrival, drilled me with questions. Why would you do this? Because it’s fun. Who made you do this? As if I can’t make my own decisions and fuck up my life on my own. How long has this been going on? I told her once before but in reality it had been going on for a while. WHY? Why not?Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Walt Whitman s Song Of Myself1178 Words   |  5 PagesWrite a Poem Using the Same Ideas from Another Person The idea that the artist is a single individual coming to stand and speak for the masses is one of Emerson’s main transcendentalist ideas. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blog and Reflective Report for Education-

Question: Discuss about theBlog and Reflective Report for Education. Answer: On the first week of the session, the general requirements and processes were undertaken in order to assess the understanding level of the candidates and general concept was explained. The basics of design thinking were introduced and the reasons behind its popularity in the modernized world were explained. Certain videos and slideshows were projected in the class in order to undertake the better understanding of the concepts of the design thinking, and how it works in solving the problems of the clients subsequently. The ideology and the theories were made a note of, thereby the main sources of the information were highlighted, and thereby the first week provided with the birds eye view of the total scenario of the session. Week 2 On the second week, the instructor took a lesson on the obstacles that the students might face in the later years of the problem solving process. the innovation that the process requires and the use of the intellect in the right place is an important consideration that all candidates are required to follow. The candidates are made to develop a framework for designing and inculcating the thinking process. The task that was given was not complex, but it required time to get on with it. The instructor gave a brief of the wicked problems that the candidates might face in the later years and the solutions along with the problems. The barriers to the effective solving of the problems are also being discussed in the class. Week 3 In the third week of the session the candidates can understand the device of the design thinking as a process, as it was supposed to be. The students were briefed about the different processes that are included in the design thinking thus enhancing the capability of the candidates to understand and interpret the problems depending on their own insight and perceptions. A brief overview of the different processes that is involved in the design thinking is being explained to the candidates with the help of relevant videos. It helps in the better understanding of the whole process of design thinking and thereby develops an insight of the students in this connection. Week 4 The fourth week has brought about a change in the plans of the teaching schedule. The psychological trait that affects the thought process is being introduced ion this week and was briefed. The psychological trait not only affects the psychology of an individual, but makes it a point to control the body of the individual as well. The empathy, which is regarded as one of the processes of the design thinking, helps the candidates in maintaining the social life effectively, brings in the stability of the relationships, and thereby practices the effectiveness of the process. The business point of view that is required to understand the profile more closely is being incorporated in the candidates in this weeks session. Week 5 The week taught the candidates to gather the experience of handling the situations in solving the problems of the clients. Empathy that plays a major role in solving the problems is mastered in this week with a series of activities that help in understanding the psychology of the people surrounding the candidates. A problem can be solved only when the practitioner will look into the matter from the perspective of the client and not the assumptions that he holds in his heart. Empathetic view of solving the problems is thus an important step in understanding and solving the problems of the clients. The candidates were made to inculcate the habit of looking into the problems from the perspective of the client and provide a solution to the problem that has been raised. Week 6 The sixth week exposes the student to the direct market scenario from where the student can understand the situation more closely. It is more like a practical task that cannot be undertaken effectively in a classroom. Classification of information and the gradual synthesis of the information or the problem question in order to get hold of a reasonable solution are taught in the week. Activities were undertaken in order to enhance the understanding of the situation of the student. The use of affinity diagrams in the curriculum helped the students in understanding the ways in which the ideas and thoughts can be clustered to a singular source. The week taught the students the ways in which the information can be processed and thereby presented in a way, which is systematic and comprehensive at the same time. Week 7 The seventh week brought about a change in the standard curriculum as it included the candidates active participation in the problem solving procedure. The candidate is required to maintain a frequency of the events and the problems that arises out of barriers affecting the effective means of problem solving procedure. The candidate is required to undertake the tests in order to understand and work professionally in the work place. It helps in enhancing the candidates capabilities and skills in this regards. Week 8 The week taught the candidates the importance of the ideate process of the design thinking in order to make the candidates aware of the total constraints that they might face in the working schedule. The week also taught the students to understand the importance of the consistency that the students might gain out of the tests. The ideas that are generated by the candidates in order to solve the problem of the clients are classified under the process of ideation. It helps the candidate in the better understanding of the problems and the generation of relevant ideas in order to solve the problem effectively. Week 9 The ninth week enables the student to develop the prototypes and thereby understand the requirements of the problems and the issues, which might arise out of the process while undertaking it. It enables the student to undertake experiments that might account to the experience that the particular person gathers from the discrepancies. The solutions that the candidate suggests to the client are based on the frequent experimentation and the generation of the innovative ideas, that helps the client in overcoming the obstacles with the help of the solution that has been provided. The clarity of the solution is an important criterion that is being taught to the student, as vague solutions might result to misunderstandings. Week 10 The tenth week makes the student to compile the topics that has been covered in the previous weeks. It is efficient in its own way, as the procedures helps the student in reconstructing the conceptions and make oneself familiar with the process. It is more like a recap session that the instructor takes in order to make the students remember the early lessons that has been taught. The basics of the design thinking are briefed once again which fits in the minds of the students effectively as they have already completed and undertaken the practical of the situations that might arise out when they are at their respective workplace. The week is like a concluding week, which tests on the memory of the students and the feedback that the students provide to their instructor. Week 11 The eleventh week makes the students realize of their improvement in the power of criticizing effectively on a given matter. They can now penetrate into the depths of a problem and inculcate the solution out of the problem. The student can also make use of the components in the problems and link them to their solutions. It is like finding the solutions within the question itself. Week 12 In the very last week of the session, the students are made aware of the systematic design thinking procedure apart from the methodology that they are into. The way in which proper designing of the thoughts, opinions and ideas are undertaken in order to solve the problems is being taught to the students. It makes the solving process more simple and brief. The completion of the session will bring about a change in the life of the candidates. They can focus more on the self-organizational skills that helps them in making the most out of their problem solving profile. Reflective report The design thinking is one of the most creative strategy that can be used to design the procedure by the designers. This can also be regarded as the approach that has been used to utilize in resolving the different problems with a complete meaning to resolve them. This can be considered broadly as the case for the professional design making process and approach (Koh et al., 2015). Hence, it can be stated that the application that can be found within the spheres of the social problems has been within the business problem as well. When, I was about to learn about the different business thinking processes, I am not really sure about what exactly needs to be done in case of this course work. I was not even sure that what are the things that I am going to learn in the weeks and how will I apply my learning in the different spheres of my life. While I understood at the initial stage that the design thinking is the solution that is primarily centered around the thinking process that is to s ome extent different from the scientific method. It is considered to be a more creative and practical solution to the issues featured that will generate a constructive result for the future. The more I started learning about this course work, it made me realize that it will make me offer things that are unique and none of the other courses will make me understand this. The things that have been expected in this course of work is the unique learning process and the different new approaches that needs to be resolved (Johansson?Skldberg, Woodilla etinkaya, 2013). Along with that I have also realized that this special course work in the design thinking is all about the different design process that includes the meta cognition, cognition and the designing patterns. The concepts that can be offered to the students includes the various aspects of the learning and the thinking process. The cognition and thee meta cognition is all about the two interrelated concepts that needs the help on t he mutual grounds so that it becomes the synergistically productive way. The meta cognition is considered as the awareness learning process that needs to be improved through the entire process of it in a dramatically influencial way. The knowledge that the students receive through the e meta cognitive way is the development of the strategies that will be eventually improved through the process of the learning. Apart from this it can be stated that the course of the design thinking will always me with the several other theories that is required for supplementing the entire process of learning. In this course of work, there is also an expectation that the practical learning theories will have several real life examples so that it becomes easier for me at least to comprehend the entire syllabus in a very quick and easy way (Leifer Steinert, 2014). In reality, it can be stated that I got more work from this course of work that is quite expected. I have eventually learnt a complete new approach of the thinking process and at the same time it will help me in resolving the problems. These problems are not at all included in the academic spheres but are somewhat related to the spheres of our personal life. The problems included are sometimes not from the academic spheres but are somewhat related to our personal and practical life as suggested by Levick-Parkin Hanson, 2015. Besides that from the design pattern and the learning designs, I have learnt what is empathy and immersion. This can be regarded as the very first stage of the learning design process that eventually teaches the students to empathize with the problem and then to find a solution to it. The process of the design thinking is also to make myself more aware of the different solutions towards the problems that has learned the prototyping and the testings of the coursework. Apart from the theoretical practices, the process of design thinking has eventually offered me the practical way of thinking that th ey may be accustomed with (Nicholls Walker, 2015). I have also got the chance to work with the real life examples like from where the real life examples were set and that also made me do a lot of creative and practical work. I have eventually joined this course just because I had no experience in the professional field of designing. This was the first step that made my career look a little limited. The designs that were made by me on the first place was amateurish and hence, I had no experience on the designing grounds for a very long time and was under some of the good professionals as well. This course could add feathers to my learning, process I belief. I have never taken creating and designing as my hobby though it was my habit from my very childhood days. From a certain time I took up this course very seriously and it is at that certain point of time that made me realise I could actually excel in it. However, through the course of work it has made me realize that some of the lessons did change my view and ideology towards my way of life. Later my learning process, it did make me identify the three most primary lessons that I have eventually learnt. The first most important thing that I have learnt in the process of the design thinking is that the course work that has to do something in the process of the thinking and I have got used to it. My journey started from where ever and whatever I thought it so, that also include the things I have done. This is the only way that any creative person or a designer needs to have their thought about the past. Like for example, when there was the blinking of the VCRs, that actually had no idea about how to set the time on it, almost everyone knew about the complicated character of the technology that needs to be encroached in our life (Nobeoka Kimura, 2016). In this situation,a drastic change occurred and almost all of us has mastered in this game of technology. But we have actually never thought as to who designed it and made them avail all those products? This must be given a t hought as to who bought these products and after a certain span of time they have themselves made these products using the different technology. The most important lesson that I have learnt is that empathy is primarily a state of mind. We are often constantly in our empathetic state of mind that eventually help us to achieve a better set of solutions to our problems. Often many of us do not want to think of being in an empathetic state that will make them achieve better solutions to the provided problems. However in the process of the design thinking it can stated that it taught me how to be in an empathetic state of mind, that will teach them to bring them close to the better solutions provided in every difficult situation in our life (Huq, Huq Gilbert Gilbert, 2017). It can be visible that in our contemporary life, we have lost how to become empathetic, mostly the reason behind this is that we live in a corporate world and empathy should be in us. Often we bypass almost every sit uation we come across and hence, we need to materialize our needs that is based on our daily environment. Hence, becoming empathetic will make us offer different kinds of angles that can be seen from the entire situation. Hence this lesson ca be stated as the one that changed my life to a great extent. I started considering the small incidents , that previously I used to neglect due to several reasons or sometimes of my choice. I have understood and realized something that later in my career even if I become successful I should retain my empathy towards the people who are not that much successful on the first place of their career. This also changed my views on the possession of the leadership quality. It is quite evident that I should be feeling empathetic too. Hence, this will ultimately change their treatment towards the employees. Another major thing that I have eventually learnt is that the course work in the process of the design thinking in the initial stage we all can fail. Failure is a very normal thing and we need not brood over this and rather we should learn from our mistakes and ensure not to repeat the same in our lifetime. Truly, this learning has actually changed my attitude towards life in a great extent. Before this I always use to cry a lot about my failure and that used to make me more depress. The thoughts that have made me more depressed re those that made me lose control over my life. Altogether, when prototyping and ideating all my thoughts into my designs reflects that, I should always realize that the initial stage one can always go wrong but this should not stop us and we should try our best not to make the same over again. This is all needed to keep our faith in our potentiality and also in ourselves. That will turn our destiny in a rapid way no matter what the situation may be. It can be understood that the process of the design thinking is quite elaborative. These consists of the five simple stages and sometimes we need to find a redo of all the stages so that a better version of the work can be achieved or gained. The five stages include ideating, designing, testing,empathizing and prototyping (Glen, Suciu Baughn, 2014). If at any stage, suppose the process does not go well, we always need to go back to our previous self. At the end of the designing or at the last stage, we can easily conclude that the design is not really good enough as we have to go back to our initial stage that includes empathizing other than the productizing. However, it cannot be denied that the process of the design thinking has impacted both on my work and family life to a great extent. However, in a professional way, it may be said that the influences needs to be by whatever I have learnt from the different courses. The design thinking and the prototyping is something that has e ventually made our life very easy. It has saved a lot of time as my course of the design thinking could be done by me by easily eliminating the wrong assumptions that will be used by me previously. It will be very easy for me to match with the expectations of the clients (Behm, Culvenor Dixon, 2014). Hence, this could be saved that the time from the early stages that I could easily align with the choices of the customers. Hence my work will become much easier as that have made a much easy progress to my career for completing my curse. With addition to this it needs to be said that even I made this with a little contribution from the policies of the human resources from my office. Previously the policy of the human resources that is within the organisation is unidirectional. This organisation has changed its policy after every now and then that has created an unrest amongst the employees in a basic way (Yeager et al., 2016). With the introduction of thee design learning period cours e work, I have made an identification that the departments of the human resources can easily eliminate the policy that is disadvantageous into the operations. Hence, if applied in this specific way the workers may not get confused as well within the policy of the organisation. Considering myself and my surrounding it can bee said that my family and my siblings are complaining about some of my irregular habits.before joining the process of the design thinking it can be said that I never paid a heed to them. After every alternate day when my relatives and my friends used to ask me about it I used to say that I am trying my best to change my habits but that usually never happened. The changes in me was never something very good. Thus through the course of the process of the design thinking it may be said that it has changed my thoughts entirely. As now I see myself as a changed person in my daily routines and my habits. More amount of importance that is on what they think is primarily to make a positive change in their life. This was my complete decision to work harder untill the that made the solution work. Hence, that a promise that I will make a drastic change in every possible way. It can be said that through my clusters in my personal life I have not been able to treat them with the problems in compassionate way. Hence that is what leaves the task in an incomplete way. The challenges that is bought in the fields of the design is quite innovative. Apart from these I also had my books unread, another major problem was accomodating the space in my room but those got sorted. Hence the issues that is with scheduling my daily routine. Has been set quickly. Thus the process or rather the idea o the design thinking is all about viewing new things and making them complete with all the possible perspectives and also fixing the problems. I have applied my learning from deign thinking course work that through the different sectors of my life, that made me realize that it has a long lasting impact on both my professional and personal lives. References Behm, M., Culvenor, J., Dixon, G. (2014). Development of safe design thinking among engineering students.Safety science,63, 1-7. Glen, R., Suciu, C., Baughn, C. (2014). The need for design thinking in business schools.Academy of Management Learning Education,13(4), 653-667. Huq, A., Huq, A., Gilbert, D., Gilbert, D. (2017). All the worlds a stage: transforming entrepreneurship education through design thinking.Education+ Training,59(2), 155-170. Johansson?Skldberg, U., Woodilla, J., etinkaya, M. (2013). Design thinking: past, present and possible futures.Creativity and Innovation Management,22(2), 121-146. Koh, J. H. L., Chai, C. S., Benjamin, W., Hong, H. Y. (2015). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and design thinking: A framework to support ICT lesson design for 21st century learning.The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher,24(3), 535-543. Leifer, L. J., Steinert, M. (2014). Dancing with ambiguity: Causality behavior, design thinking, and triple-loop-learning. In Management of the Fuzzy front end of innovation(pp. 141-158). Springer International Publishing. Levick-Parkin, M., Hanson, M. (2015). Design thinking together: how to share the designerlyway of looking at things in order to co-create insights relevant to research participants. Nicholls, R., Walker, P. (2015). Sustainable Design Thinking on Country: Values for a Critical Ecology of Waste. Nobeoka, K., Kimura, M. (2016, September). Art thinking beyond design thinking Mazda design: Car as art. In Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), 2016 Portland International Conference on(pp. 2499-2514). IEEE. Yeager, D. S., Romero, C., Paunesku, D., Hulleman, C. S., Schneider, B., Hinojosa, C., ... Trott, J. (2016). Using design thinking to improve psychological interventions: The case of the growth mindset during the transition to high school.Journal of educational psychology,108(3), 374.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mimco Marketing Mix free essay sample

The following document will outline potiential new business opportunites for Mimco and also investigate what the objectives are of these opportunites and what stragagies will be implemented to generate sales and revenue growth. 1. 0 Mimco Environmental Analysis 1. 1 External Macro Influences Marketing Environment Category| Specific Trend, Change or Event| Monitoring Information Source| Demography| More women are choosing careers over family, therefore they have more disposable income. The median age for women to get married today is 28, which means there are many young women in Australia with a significant disposable income to spend on them selves. | www. abs. gov. au | Economic Conditions| Consumer spending appears to have turned the corner following the strongest monthly growth in sales in 18 months, according to the latest Commonwealth Bank Business Sales Indicator (BSI). Mimco is considered a shopping good, therefore sales can be influence by interest rates, unemployment rates, rate of the Australia dollar. The stage of the business cycle, the economy is moving from rescission to recovery. We will write a custom essay sample on Mimco Marketing Mix or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mimco ‘s CEO, Iain Nairn, has previously discussed the importance between balancing cash flow in and out of the business very closely with sales retails figures. In tougher economic climates where sales have been forecasted lower, Narin has managed this by reducing orders and production costs during this period. | Internal reports, Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Profit Loss Statement, Sales data. External sources, Retail Trend Data, Financial Figures, Market Trend Data. www. abs. gov. au| Competition | In fashion, it is all about brand and product; hundreds of billions of dollars are spent each and every year in the fashion industry. Indirect competition from every other firm trying to win the customers purchasing power. Monopolistic competition – many competitors, Mimco’s product is differentiated by quality and brand, predominately has control over the price, easy to enter into the market. | External Share Market reportsInternal Share Market Market Growth metrics| Social Cultural Forces| Being a fashion accessory Mimco leverages off consumers who are happy to spend their income on experiential goods and services such as personal appearance products, and those consumer who live for today rather than prepare for tomorrow. Significant factor to its target market is that well over half of all women are now in the workforce therefore they also have different needs; women working outside of the home have different needs for clothing from those working at home. Impulse buying trends may also have an effect on Mimco’s market as they attract customers with sales promotions through their websites, placing limited time only promotions on to encourage fast purchase decisions. The economy has influenced impulse buying, there appears to be a new trend were it is more socially acceptable to be seen saving money rather than spend it. | External Reports highlighting were consumers are spending their money. Internal Surveys through on line website members| Political Legal Forces| Monetrary and fiscal policies can have a major influence on the spending trends of consumer, particular in the fashion industry as fashion products are generally classed as shopping goods rather and convenience goods. More recently as the Australia dollar increased so did on line shopping for overseas products, this triggered debate as to whether GST should be imposed on line shopping. This would impact Mimco as they have an online shopping presence. | www. ato. gov. au | Technology| The digital economy affects everybody, particularly retail, retailers will need to adapt to the new environment of the rapidly expending trend of on line shopping. In early 2011 about 25% of mobile users are shopping online with their mobile, eBay reported an item is bought from a mobile every 15 seconds. The online economy is booming for some online markets with revenues increasing by up to 40% during 2010. Mimco have established them selves in the digital market, their full product range is available on line. It is evident from the above figures that this is a trend which will continue to grow| Research in to other online retails methods and systemsIT business for advice on best operating systems Online data trend reports| 1. 2 External Micro Environment As any other competitive business, Mimco actively monitors the markets and adjusts the marketing mix to ensure efficiencies are achieved in managing their customers and competitors. Other factors to consider in the micro environment are suppliers and middleman. Mimco has a direct distribution channel from their supplier therefore do not need to consider marketing middleman, however would need to consider maintaining good relationships with business suppliers to ensure suppliers can meet the demand of production. 1. 2 The Internal Environment Equally important to monitoring the external environment, Mimco must manage the internal environment, usually involves managing the relationship between the marketing department and non marketing departments of the organisation. Mimco would have particularly drawn on these relationships at the time of planning to enter the British market 2008. Making a successful move into a new market requires the combined effort of sharing resources and information between internal groups such as marketing, finance, HR, research and development, and certainly many other factors would have been taken into consideration. 2. 0 SWOT Analysis Strengths * High quality product * Established brand equity * Unique distinguishable design * Direct distribution * Online store * Limited direct competitors | Weakness * Selective distribution * May be considered over priced * Rely mostly on PR and On line/In store sales promotion * Minimal approach to advertising| Opportunities * Winter Jeans line * Summer Swimwear line * Expansion into other Europe countries * Expand promotional method to include advertising * Leverage of brand equity * Sponsorship in fashion industry | Threats * Entry of new competitors * Indirect competition for consumers spending money * Economic condition * Maintaining the edge in fashion industry| 3. Ansoff’s Product-Market Growth Matrix Present Products New Products Option 1Marketpenetration| Option 2Product development| Option 3Marketdevelopment| Diversification| Present Market New Market Continued growth is the key to Nairn business strategy, he works on what he calls a â€Å"three horizon† s trategy, simultaneously looking after the core business, developing new initiatives in the  core business, and seeding future investments. The following 3 business opportunities each address one of Nairn â€Å"three horizon† business strategy, market penetration, product development and market development. 1. Expansion of Advertising channels (Market Penetration) 2. Winter Jeans range (Product Development) 3. Expansion into other European markets (Market Development) 3. 1 Expansion of Advertising channels Mimco have not previously invested heavily in advertising as part of their marketing mix, mostly relying on sales promotion through their retails stores and online store. The Mimco website displays an advertising campaign which is launched at the beginning of each season. As money is already being invested in featuring an online advertising campaign, this campaign could easily be translated into print media. The minimalist approach to advertising adds to the uniqueness of Mimco, however exploring options in the right print media could lift their product and brand exposure. Limiting print media to fashion savy magazines such as Vogue would ensure Mimco maintains their sense of individualism and avoid saturation the market with advertising. Engaging in advertising at the launch of each season could be an avenue to generate additional interest and increase sales. To run a single page spread in Vogue costs approx $12K and up to $20k for a double page. Vogue is a national distribution and also has international addition which could be used to drive consumers to the website for on line sales. 3. 2 Winter Jeans Range A jeans range would be an additional product to Mimco’s current product range of bags and accessories. The product would be classed as consumer shopping goods with a product life cycle being as long as the season it is relevant to, winter. The new product would carry the family brand name Mimco and would replicate the same level of high product quality and design as it Mimco bag range. Leveraging off the brand equity, the jeans range would also follow similar pricing goals as its bag range, sales orientated goals and using competition based pricing. Mimco would continue using the current distribution channel through stores and on line stores and perhaps consider introducing advertising to the promotional mix to coincide with the product launch each season. Having achieved success through their bag range it would appear Mimco have identified a successful target market, it would be to their advantage to continue working in the same target market and continue to position themselves by price and quality. Costs to consider would include working through the several steps associated with the new product development process, particularly high costs at the commercialisation stage of a new product. A company would not invest into new product unless there was reasonable belief that the product would generate sales and growth. 3. 3 Expansion into European markets Mimco have successfully expanded into overseas markets including Asia and Britain. Continued expansion into other European countries would further strengthen Mimco’s position as an internationally recognised brand in the wider international market. In very broad terms Mimco could consider replicating existing products, localising existing business systems in to a new market, and using the earlier mentioned marketing mix as a basis. Critical to investigating a new business venture is investing resources into researching to assess business viability in new market. Having previously moved into a new market, Mimco would need to again consider * The external macro and micro environment influences in new market * The internal environment – efficient coordination of resources and information * Cost of research and development Cost of setting up new operations * Capital investment and return on investment goals 3. 4 Comparing the 3 Business Opportunities 1. Expansion of Advertising channels (Market Penetration) 2. Winter Jeans range (Product Development) Foll owing the review of option 1 2, it would be beneficial to consider combining both options as one strategy. In the below table this combined strategy has been labelled on The BCG Matrix in the Question Marks quadrant by a red dot. This quadrant represents high market growth and low market share, however the future expectation of the proposed strategy is to shift from low to high market share and move down into Cash Cows quadrant. Launching a Winter Jeans Range into a fast growing fashion market, whilst also leveraging off Mimco’s strong brand, combining this with new advertising and existing sales promotional activities, there would be potential scope to move into the high end of market share. It would be difficult to achieve the Stars quadrant as this is usually occupied by the market leader. Using a combination of pricing, promotion and advertising should ensure the strategy does not slip into the Dogs quadrant, instead moving into the Cash Cows quadrant. This quadrant is representative of a more mature market and settled market, with the anticipation of the jean’s range being launched as a limited edition, season only items. 3. Expansion into other European markets (Market Development) Choosing this option, again the business would most likely be positioned in the Questions mark quadrant, with the future view to move into the Cash cow market. Moving into a new market there is an initial period were the business will not be generating profits immediately and are usually running at a loss to commence with, low market share is usually a trait at this time. As discussed earlier, the fashion market has a strong growth rate therefore making it an attractive market to work in to gain market share. Based on Mimco’s success in current markets and their successful move into Asian and British market, Mimco has the previous knowledge and experience in understanding what is required to successfully enter a new market. It would be predicted following a certain period of time Mimco would move into the Cash cow quadrant which reflects a stable market; the Cash cow quadrant is where Mimco is presently positioned in their present market The BCG Matrix Relative Market Share of SBU (Ratio) High Low Stars| ? ? ? Question Marks| Cash Cows| Dogs| High Market Growth Rate (% pa) Low 4. 0 The Proposal Implementing Winter Jeans Range New Advertising Channels 4. 1 Strategy The general strategy of the Jeans range would be to successfully replicate that sense of uniqueness and individualism that other Mimco products carry. The Jeans will carry the family brand name to ensure the jeans prompt brand recognition through quality and style which Mimco represents. The key would be to leverage off Mimco’s existing market share and continue to work in the current target market. 4. 2 Product The Mimco Jeans range would reflect the characteristics of the current Mimco bag range, the jeans would be * A stylish fashion item, the design would reflect the winter trends in for the season * Made from quality denim fabric * The Jeans would be identifiable by ‘the button’ on the back pockets of the jeans; this would replicate ‘the button’ which is identifiable on Mimco’s bag. 4. 3 Product Life Cycle The jeans would have a short product life cycle and would only be available throughout the winter season. Each winter a new style/design/range of jeans will be released, no old season product will be carried over to next winter season, planned obsolescence strategy. The motive for implementing limited availability of the product is to create a sense of ‘uniqueness’ to those consumers who purchase them and they will also know that there jeans will not be replicated in the future. 4. 4 Pricing The jeans would be priced to reflect the products * Good quality * Stylishness * Value of the Mimco brand The higher end of Mimco’s bag range start from $300 to $500 dollar per bag. Other brand jeans in the market who carry good quality brand names also sell in this dollar range. Mimco jeans would be priced in this range also. Profit orientated pricing goal would be used to achieve a target return on sales and to maximise profits in the short term. The reason for this strategy is due to the seasonal release of the product, Mimco would be seeking to make a return on investment in that particular season. Alternatively Mimco could initially implement Sale Orientated pricing goal until the product is well established, then change to profit driven pricing, however this would mean earning less than maximum profits under sales orientated pricing. 4. 5 Distribution Mimco presently had an optimal distribution channel, with it being virtually direct to their retails stores or to their online shoppers. This efficient distribution channel certainly assists in getting their product into the consumer hands as soon as possible; there are no middlemen or intermediaries Present distribution channels * Mimco stores * David Jones * Westfields * Online Store It is recommended they maintain the above channels to ensure do not saturate the market which could affect the image of their ‘unique’ brand. 4. 6 Promotional Mix * Personal Selling Mimco does not have a high demand for personal selling due to the selective distribution channel, most of their stock is carried by their own retail stores. For the small number of other retailer who do carry Mimco product such as DJ’s Westfields, there would be an initial introduction of the product to these stores through a sales representative. The sales rep should negotiation and reach agreement with the retailers regarding the details of how the jeans should be displayed, how much space and exposure should be given to the jeans to ensure maximum exposure of the product in store. The rep may also have advertising material to use in store which would material relating to the product launch campaign. * Advertising – Presently Mimco only launch their new season products through an online campaign on the website. With the anticipated launch of the new jeans range, Mimco could further invest in creating hype around the new product launch through their website and through their Facebook page. It is recommend Mimco introduce print media to their advertising channel, however keep it restricted to mediums which truly reflect the value of their brand for example, high end fashion magazine Australia Vogue. Vogue’s target audience is described as smart, stylish, females; 25 – 54 with high disposable incomes, this segment aligns with Mimco target market, and would be real opportunity to reach our target through the magazine. Print ads should be run to coincide with the launch of the new product. Mimco could consider placing images from the campaign launch on shop front windows; placing coordinated marketing material in store which blends with the current decor style of the store. The presence of the advertising in store should be keep to a minimal to ensure it keeps in line with its present ‘unintentional’ retail marketing technique * Sale Promotion – During the introduction phase of the new product it would not be recommended to offer sales promotion directly relating to the jeans as we do not want to ‘cheapen’ the image of the new product. If sales promotions are used, they could be implemented though the online channel where members who purchase a pair of jeans either on line or in store received a 10% discount on another Mimco product. Sale promotion could be used as a tool further into the season if jeans sales are not reaching sales targets or alternatively at the end of the season to ensure all stock of jeans are sold out. There should be no in store sales promotion on the jeans. * Publicity and PR – Following the launch of the jeans perhaps a feature article could be run along side and advertisement in Vogue mag azine, a double page feature. Mimco could develop a relationship with the charity organisation, Jeans for Jeans day and consider being a major sponsor of the day. 5. 0 Launching the Winter Jeans Range The launch of the jeans will be implemented through a coordinated marketing campaign using * Mimco Website – on line campaign * Print Media – Australian Vogue magazine * In store advertising The campaign would carry the same theme throughout all channels. The theme would carry the slogan * ‘Leg it to Mimco’, ‘Don’t run bare this winter’ * The tag lines would be placed on a picture of a woman’s bare legs running, in the back drop of a field or something that represents a ‘soul’ feeling, which would keep in sync with Mimco’s overall theme. The campaign would run in the month leading up to beginning of winter * At the commencement of winter the picture of the woman’s bare legs would change to her wearing the new Mimco jeans, clearly showin g the identifiable ‘button’ on the back pocket of the jeans. * The tag line would then change to ‘Leg it to Mimco’ ‘Be the first to try them’ 5. 1 Measuring Results Mimco could implement a number of metrics to measure the success of launching the jeans line and the value of investing into the advertising. Mimco would need to consider setting sales targets and profit targets based on achieving a return on investment. It would be essential to understand all the costs associated with the development and production on the new product and costs associated with launching the product. One method to measuring the ratio of Advertising expenses to Sales ratio, this is calculated by using the following formula. Advertising Spend ($) Advertising expense to sales ratio = ______________________ x 100 Total Sales ($) This measurement could be implemented at the end of the winter season; these figures could then be compared against the next season figures. In store sales can be measured using the below formula, this calculation can be used to measure stores individually and also all stores on a national level and include on line sales. Actual Sales ($ or units) Performance to target = _____________________________ x 100 Target Sales ($ or units) Gross profit on Sales Gross Profit Margin achieved = _________________________ x 100 Targeted gross profit ($) As the above formulas suggest Mimco could measure in either dollar value or in the number of jeans sold. Measuring in either dollars or sold number of units would still require an understanding of all cost associated with the product. Mimco’s Website supports online sales and have all their current products range on line available for purchase, the jeans would also be available for purchase on line. Monitoring the on line campaign launch can be measured through a number of methods including; * Validation – has the number of people who visited the website increased * Length of stay – average time spent on website Purchase rate of jeans – the proportion of visitors who click through to the campaign and subsequently make a purchase * Response rate – Mimco have a number of bloggers on site and also a Facebook page who generates discussion about Mimco products and re cent activities – monitor discussion relating to the launch of the campaign. * Presentation of discount coupons in store which are available to on line members only All the above measure are not exhaustive measure and cannot be 100% accurate however they can still be implemented as used as a informative tool for measuring and comparing activity from period to period. 6. 0 Conclusion In conclusion, restricting the launch and distribution of the jeans range in the winter season only could be a good way to test the real markets response to the jeans. If they are launched under the banner of ‘winter only’ product and the success of the jean are not as predicted, the exit strategy from the product would be quite simple and could be done with minimal damage to the brand. However when considering Mimco’s present brand equity in the fashion market and their target market, double with a solid marketing mix and well planned out and coordinated product launch campaign, it should be an achievable goal to reach success with the jeans range. 7. 0 References 7. 1 Rix, P. 2011. Marketing a Practical Approach, McGraw-Hill Australia Pty, Ltd 7. 2 Smart Company http://www. smartcompany. com. au/retail/witchery-and-mimco-push-ahead. html (accessed 17 March 2011) 7. 3 Digital Outlook http://www. digitaloutlook. com. au/article/mimco (accessed 17 March 2011) 7. 4 Taboo http://www. taboo. com. u/taboo_campaigns_mimco_ss10. html (accessed 19 March 2011) 7. 5 The Report http://www. theprreport. com. au/2010/11/taboo-group-use-blogg ers-to-help-launch-fashion-brand-mimco/ (accessed 19 March 2011) 7. 6 NAB http://www. nab. com. au/wps/wcm/connect/nab/nab/home/about_us/8/5/32 (accessed 20 March 2011) 7. 7 CBA http://www. commbank. com. au/about-us/news/media-releases/2011/180311-business-sales-indicator. aspx (accessed 20 March 2011) 7. 8 Budde http://www. budde. com. au/Research/Australia-Digital-Economy-E-commerce-Trends-and-Statistics. html. (Accessed 20 March 2011) 7. 9 MIMCO website http://www. mimco. com. au (accessed 20 March 2011)

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Meaning and History of the Surname Callaghan

Meaning and History of the Surname Callaghan The Callaghan surname is derived from the Gaelic name Ó Ceallagchin, meaning descendant of Ceallanchn. The O prefix indicates descendant of, while Ceallagchin is a diminutive of Ceallach, a given name of uncertain origin. The most widely accepted meaning is bright-headed, from the Gaelic cen, meaning head and lach, meaning light Other possibilities include: lover of churches, from ceall, meaning churchfrom the Old Irish ceallach, meaning contention, strifeFrom ciallach, meaning prudent, judicious Surname Origin:  Irish Alternate Surname Spellings:  OCALLAGHAN, CALLAHAN, CALLACHAN, CEALLACHAIN, CELLACHAN, CEALLAGHAN, CELLACHAIN, OCALLAGHAN, OCALLAHAN, KEELAGHAN Famous People with the Surname CALLAGHAN Fr Richard Callaghan - 18th century Irish Jesuit educationalistEdmund Bailey OCallaghan - Irish doctor and journalistJohn Cornelius OCallaghan - Irish historian and writerSir Francis OCallaghan - Irish civil engineerJames Callaghan  - UK Prime Minister, 1976–79Dr. Patrick Pat  OCallaghan - considered one of Irelands greatest athletes; Olympic gold medalist Where is the CALLAGHAN  Surname Most Commonly Found? Forebears identifies the  Callaghan  surname as being most common in Ireland, where it ranks 112th in the nation. It is also fairly common in Northern Ireland (ranked 433rd), Scotland (541st), Australia (593rd), Wales (653rd), New Zealand (657th) and England (658th). Within Ireland, Callaghan is the most common in Cork. The OCallaghan variant ranks just behind Callaghan in Ireland, coming in as number 113. WorldNames PublicProfiler identifies the Callaghan surname as more common in Donegal and the other northern Irish counties. Genealogy Resources for the Surname CALLAGHAN Common Surnames of IrelandDiscover the meaning of your Irish last name, and learn where in Ireland these Irish surnames are most commonly found Callaghan  Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Callaghan  family crest or coat of arms for the Callaghan surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. OCallaghan/Callaghan/Callahan/Keelaghan DNA ProjectIndividuals with the Callaghan surname and variations are invited to join this project dedicated to combining the results of DNA testing with genealogy research to identify various Callaghan and OCallaghan family lines. Callaghan Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Callaghan surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Callaghan query. - CALLAGHAN  Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Callaghan. GeneaNet - Callaghan  RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Callaghan  surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Callaghan  Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse family trees and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the last name Callaghan  from the website of Genealogy Today. Sources Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Led Zeppelin essays

Led Zeppelin essays Led Zeppelin was one of the greatest rock bands ever. Their biggest hit Stairway to Heaven, is one of the best rock songs of all time, also. There were four members in the band: John Bonham, John Baldwin, Jimmy Page, and Robert Plant. Jimmy Page was born on January 9, 1944 in Heston, Middlesex U.K. His mother was a doctor's secretary and his father was an industrial personnel officer. In his early life he live on his uncles farm in Northamptionshire, then later his family moved to Epsom, Surrey when his was eight. His life was basically normal, then at twelve he heard Elvis Baby Lets Play House and it change his life forever. He picked up a guitar and some lessons and he was set. He continued to play and in 1965 in was asked to join the Yardbirds (later renamed Led Zeppelin), he first declined and then later joined. In 1968 the Yardbirds broke up and Jimmy had it put together a new band and thats how Led Zeppelin was formed. After Led Zeppelin broke up Jimmy Page continue in playing guitar for many years and still today. ( John Bonham was born on May 31, 1948 in Redditch, Worcestershire UK. His parents were Jack and Joan. He also had two other siblings Michael and Debbie. When he was young he would beat on his moms pots and pans. At the age of ten he got his first snare drum and then at fifteen he got his own drum kit. When he was seventeen he married Pat, who he met at a dance. John played in several bands, and then in August of 1968 Jimmy Page and Peter Grant went to see him play and he accepted the position as drummer for Led Zeppelin. After being with Led Zeppelin for twelve years he died on September 25, 1980 in Windsor, England after a night of heavy drinking. ( John Baldwin was born on January 3, 1946 in Sidcup, Kent U.K. Both of his parents were musicians, his dad being a pianist and arranger for big bands and his mothe ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The key benefits and drawbacks of ICD-10 coding system Assignment

The key benefits and drawbacks of ICD-10 coding system - Assignment Example This explains why experts of the (WHO) developed a coding system with a better structure and capacity to accommodate the coding of additional diseases and symptoms. With the increasing technology and the innovation of new procedures in medicine, the globe needed a coding system that could allow for detailed coding. An efficient coding system cannot receive any form of underestimation because it is of critical significance in quality evaluation of patient care. This paper will present background information of ICD-10 and highlight the benefits and drawbacks associated with the coding system. In addition, the paper will present an example of a disease coded using this system. As mentioned above, ICD-10 is a coding system is a coding system developed by the World Health Organization in 1992. However, the entire coding system was launched in its full version in 1994. In 2002, translation of the ICD-10 coding system into 42 languages formed the initial benchmark in its adoption by different countries (‘Query challenges coming with ICD-10-PCS’ 2014). Worth noting is the fact that out of the 42 languages, six of them included the official WHO languages. Implementation of ICD-10 has been taking place over time in different countries. Current statistics reveal that 138 countries have adopted ICD-10 for mortality records. However, only 99 countries are using the system for mobility records. Current users of the ICD-10 coding system include the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Nordic countries, Belgium, Germany, and Canada (Rahmathulla et al, 2014). According to these statistics, it emerges that most of the industrialized countries have adopted the ICD-10 coding system replacing ICD-9. The main reason why ICD-10 was a critical development is the fact that ICD-9 did not present any room for expansion (Abdusamadovich, 2013). Therefore, the continued use of ICD-9 would